Who Grows Your Personal Care Products?
This is the cycle of life here on SongCroft.
Late last summer, we saved Calendula seed from our gardens.
In the late spring we will plant the seed. I may even start some early in the greenhouse.
Five months ago, we harvested the blossoms when they were just opening and were full of vital force and the best constituents were in the blossoms. It was in the morning, just after the dew had dried but before the sun drove then energy low in to the plant.
From those blossoms, for the past five months, we have been creating the oils and tinctures we use in our products.
When I do the final pressing and we will have ingredients full of beneficial botanicals that will be combined, with love, into our products that ship out to you.
This my friends is how it should be. This is how artisan products should be made.
We grow your personal care products.
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