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How SongCroft Got Its Name
As I sit outside on this February evening, it strikes me as unusually warm. In the darkness, I can hear the gushing sounds of the wind as the trees bow in submission. It is likely we will lose power as we have many times before.
I am thankful that we have felled some old alders and other trees that would have likely come crashing down on a night like tonight, they would have chosen their own landing spots instead of us taking them down safely.
This sound, the swoosh of the wind and the crackling of branches are some of the many songs our family farm sings to us.
This bring me to the story of how SongCroft Farm got it’s name. It was a beautiful summer night and the moon was shining high. As I sat around the fire with a group of close female friends, I spoke about how I needed a name that was befitting of our farm. A name that spoke to the rhythm of the seasons and our connection to it. My friend, Lea Anne, asked me to describe the seasons on the land. I spoke of the song it brings us with snow sliding off a cedar branch in the stillness of January and how the wind howls and brings a ethereal roar through the trees in the fall and late winter. I spoke of the song of the Winter Wrens and the cry of the Kestrels and the Red Robin in Spring and summer. I spoke of the song of the seasons and that is how our farm was named. A croft is a family farm, often with small livestock, orchards and vegetable gardens. SongCroft was a natural name.
I hope you too can expereince a connection with nature, somewhere, in your life. Whether it is your backyard, a city park or a National Forest, life is richer with the connection to life outside ourselves.
How fortunate we are to live here.
Blessings from SongCroft Farm.
To be a part of our community supported Agriculture program or to just buy some pretty amazing personal care products, shop at SongCroft Naturals.
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